Paper bin

This one is super easy. All you need for turning an old cardboard box into a stylish paper bin are some rolled pages and (hot) glue.



- old cardboard box

- magazines you don't need anymore

- pencil or skewer

- (hot) glue 

Step 1.

Get a cardboard box you want to upcycle.

Step 2. 

Find magazines you don't need anymore and rip out the pages.

Step 3.

Begin to roll the magazine around a pencil or a skewer to create a tube shape.
This is an excellent activity for developing fine-motor skills. 

Step 4.

When you reach the end, put some glue on the corner and wrap it around the tube to secure it in place.

Step 5.

When your paper rolls are ready, start glueing them on the cardboard box. f you are using a hot glue gun, be cautious and pay attention to what you're doing to avoid burning yourself or your kid's fingers.

Step 6. 

Oh, look! Your old box has been upcycled :)