Facts (37)

Articles about development and learning

Memory and Learning - Tips for Kids and Parents

When it comes to learning and education, we often hear about creativity, higher-order thinking skills (HOTS), critical thinking, analysis, evaluation.

By Marija Smuda Duric

Mind Maps for Kids and Parents

Have you ever: Even if your answers are all yes, the following text and examples might still be interesting for…

By Marija Smuda Duric

Learning Strategies - From Parents' Perspective

Terms like strategies, cognition, metacognition, or self-regulation might sound like something too scientific. But the truth is, we already apply…

By Marija Smuda Duric

What Does It Mean To Be Smart? Introduction to Learning Skills

Do you remember those kids from your class who could memorise the relevant dates in history or recite all those…

By Marija Smuda Duric

Different Activities for Different Learning Styles

Drawing, using graphics or mind maps, rhyming, reading out loud, role-playing... All of these are activities that might be suitable…

By Marija Smuda Duric

Learning Styles - Glimpse into Theory

We all have different fingerprints, laugh in different ways and sign our names differently. Knowing that we are all unique…

By Marija Smuda Duric