How to Make a Dragonfly-Crafts and Interesting Facts
Dragonflies seem to be fascinating to many children. Power P and Einstein E are no exception. We often read about these insects, and, one day, decided to make them. They were just what the boys needed to finish their magical forest project. The steps for making these dragonflies are pretty straight forward, but the things we learned are really amazing.
Interesting facts about dragonflies:
- Despite having six legs, they don't walk very well.
- They have been around for 300 million years.
- Modern dragonflies have wingspans of five to thirteen centimetres, but fossil dragonflies have had wingspans of up to sixty.
- A single dragonfly can eat 30 to hundreds of mosquitoes per day.
- They have a nearly 360-degree field of vision.
Now that you know a bit more about these insects, let's see how to make them using only:
- twigs
- maple tree seeds (helicopters). We did this activity in the late summer, which is why our helicopters are brown.
- got glue
- paint
- tweezers (optional)
Step 1.
Reading about dragonflies. These interesting creatures are mentioned in every book about animals Einstein E and Power P have. Even in their books about dinosaurs. Why? Because dragonflies were already here during that time.
Step 2.
Dragonflies have two pairs of wings and two big eyes.
Paint them...
Some of the books we used to learn these interesting facts are:
- McGhee, K. (2014). Das Ravensburger Lexikon der Tiere. Ravensburg: Ravensburger Buchverlag.
- Woodward. J. (2017). Tiere: Die Tierwelt in spektakulären Bildern. München: Dorling Kindersley Verlag GmbH.